Waframe | Eidolon Hydrolyst Guide

The Hydrolyst Eidolon is an enormous and alpine Eidolon that has the power to alter the climate causing dark-green lightning strikes to occasionally strike effectually him. Similar to the Gantulyst Eidolon, the Hydrolyst Eidolon has a full of 6 Synovia parts and will take a minimum of 3 Charged lures to capture.

Summoning Gantulyst Eidolon


To summon the Hydrolyst Eidolon, y'all must take first captured the Gantulyst Eidolon and offer the Radiant Eidolon Shard from it to the shrine in the middle of the lake. Depending on the amount of players you have, each player will have to contribute a Radiant Eidolon Shard.



Occasionally, the Hydrolyst Eidolon will summon purple Vomvalyst Blooms which tethers nearby Vomvalyst and makes them invulnerable until the Bloom has been dealt with. Occasionally, the Hydrolyst will emit a axle that volition drain player'south energy if they come in contact with information technology and the frequency of these beam increases as the battle goes on. The Hydrolyst besides has continuously homing beams similar the Teralyst merely are much more accurate.

The Hydrolyst volition continuously summon green lightning bolts and those can easily be dodged by avoiding the dark-green bubbling on the floor which indicate where the lightning bolt is going to go and same matter goes for the mines that it occasionally drops which are also green circles on the flooring.

Watch out for when the Hydrolyst shoots his gun into the air as it will rain down a bunch of explosive homing projectiles. Too with like every other Eidolon, when you take down one of it's limbs, information technology will leave a residue which deals a lot of damage to players that stay on it.


Capturing the Hydrolyst Eidolon will advantage 2 Brilliant Eidolon Shards, 2 Radiant Eidolon Shards, 2 Riven Transmuters and a mod from information technology'south loot table which has a chance to exist from Operation Gate Vanquish aslope a agglomeration of Sentinel cores.

Warframe | Shrine of the Eidolon

Warframe's next Update, Shrine of the Eidolon is coming this week and in this Update volition included the add-on of 2 new Eidolons, Gantulyst and Hydrolyst.


Legends say the Gantulyst wields an enormous boulder for an arm and radiates powerful beams of Sentient energy. The Ostrons built a shrine in its accolade hoping to proceeds its favor.


The Ostrons believe the Hydrolyst is an omen of impending natural disaster. Stories describe a distinct, pungent smell that precedes the inflow of this toxic brute.

The Update also comes with numerous bug fixes having to deal with Warframes and revamped Warframe abilities and augments. Two other new features to exist added in this Update is the ability for players to transmute 4 Rivens into a new ane with a Riven Transmuter which only drops from the new Eidolons and the ability to drive the Dargyn in the plains.